Hello everyone! Welcome to the newly created "Donny's Lab," a blog dedicated to Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Just to quickly introduce myself, I'm Matthew, otherwise known as DonnyTMNT on my haven, The Technodrome Forums. I've been a TMNT fan since I was a child: I'm currently 23. I have a life long interest in this franchise and I will continue to be an advocate for all things Turtles related. My favorite Turtle has always been Donatello, as you can see. I would like to thank Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman for creating the truly captivating characters of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe.
As you have probably already read from the top banner or the left hand side, I'll be posting random Turtles news involving the 2012-slated Nickelodeon CGI show, as well as any other TMNT news I hear or see and have the time to tell you about (or at least to give you my opinions on the matter...not that they matter much.) I'll be writing the occasional fan-boy rant and other musings, about anything and everything I feel like blogging about.
Needless to say, it's certainly an exciting time to be a Turtles fan: a statement I think most of my pals over at TheTechnodrome Forums would attest to. I hope you enjoy this blog, and thanks for stopping by in the first place. Here's to the start of this blog!
See you in cyber-space...
*Donny face image by "Ogereye" from deviantart
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